Today, I'm going to introduce you about "olive oil". How often do you use olive oil? Almost everyday? Once a week? Well, I suppose it depends on how much you cook western cuisine. Did you know that you can use olive oil for Washoku (Japanese cuisine)? In the end of this blog, I will show you some recipe using olive oil in Washoku, so don't miss it!
1.Various versions of Olive oil.
The main usage is for cooking.<Arrangements>
Hair conditioner, Shaving cream, Shining steel pots, Get things unstuck, Prevent wax from sticking to a candle holder
2.How has it been localized in places far
from its origin?
Today, more than 90% of the world’s olive oil is pressed from olives grown around the Mediterranean Sea. In the early twelfth century, most of the cities in the coastal region of the Mediterranean Sea were destroyed due to the great suffer. The Phoenicians stepped into the power vacuum created in the Mediterranean by the collapse to develop extensive trading networks. And then, they started transporting wine as well as olive oil which were both able to be grown in the area. Transporting these products made the economic powerful. Not only just trading, the Phoenicians spread technological innovation, particularly in ship design, and introduced the concept of the phonetic alphabet. The origin language of English was the phonetic alphabet.
3.How is it used in world cuisines?
Salads, Italian cuisine (pasta, pizza etc.),
Roasted vegetables, French cuisine (bread, escargot etc.)
4.What is Japan’s history with olive oil?
1549: Francisco Xabiel brought olive oil
within Christianity.1908: First olive tree in Japan was planted in Mie Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture and Kagoshima Prefecture.
5.Olive oil in Japanese cuisine
Many Japanese people don’t have the image
of using olive oil in Washoku (Japanese cuisine), but recently, some recipe books
are published which are using them in Washoku.Examples)
→Pour a little on top of the egg
→Stir frying with olive oil can make the taste more plain rather than using sesame-oil.
These are five tips about olive oil. I would appreciate if you understood the history of them. Also, why don't you try the two recipies I mentioned? It sure is good!
Thank you for reading until the bottom of my blog.
(Cites Citated)
"Cooking with Olive Oil." Cooking
with Olive Oil | The Olive Oil Source. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.“Ori-bu iroiro ori-bunokigenntorekishi”. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016. (This was written in Japanese)
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